20.1 C
Thursday, July 25, 2024

2024 Hindmarsh Shire Youth Council

Top job, Young Legends! Hindmarsh Shire’s 2024 Youth Council is off to a ripper start!

Big congrats to the new Youth Councillors who got their official nod at the Dimboola Library last Friday! After rocking some certificates, they dived straight into a leadership retreat with Youth Leadership Academy Australia’s Bonnie – talk about hitting the ground running!

Every young legend gave it their all, soaking up skills, working as a team, and making the most of every activity. It was inspiring to see their confidence and personalities blossom in just two days – can’t wait to see how much further they fly as future leaders!

Taking advantage of the Wimmera River’s sunny goodness, these young champions made sure to cool off with some swims whenever they could. Talk about making the most of the beaut weather!

Then, under the Saturday night sky, things got outta this world as Dr. Toby Potter whipped out his trusty telescope, Celeste. They got to gaze at stars, planets, the moon, even galaxies and nebulae! Let’s just say their minds were blown – these curious young leaders peppered Toby with questions about everything from theories to myths and even some out-there conspiracies!

This year’s Youth Council is a mix of six returning champions and seven fresh faces, ready to make their mark. Here’s the crew:

  • Alissa Trenery
  • Bailee White
  • Chelsea Elliot
  • Cooper Stasinowsky
  • Eh Ku Taw
  • Eli Badua
  • Eliza Clarke
  • Liam Campbell
  • Lilly Williams
  • Messi Ehdohpaw
  • Mia O’dwyer
  • Taylor Hauselberger
  • Plot Nyo

Cr Ireland sent his well wishes, saying, “On behalf of Council, I wanna wish the 2024 Youth Council all the best! Have a cracker time, make awesome memories, and keep doing those amazing things!”

So there you have it, folks! The 2024 Hindmarsh Shire Youth Council is ready to rock and roll. Keep an eye out for these young leaders making a difference in our community!

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