13.2 C
Wednesday, July 24, 2024

National News

Why is change needed on the MIL board?

During a recent Denimein landholder AGM, participants received updates from a requesting director who conveyed the findings from a mediator, indicating: The board purportedly operates at a mere 10% capacity, a conclusion drawn from scrutinizing historical minutes spanning an extended period. Despite initial objections from the chair, this assessment has since been validated.

Roadworks, roadworks, roadworks

Recent weeks have seen an abundance of activity on local roads, with a flurry of Hi-Vis vests, traffic cones, and traffic signals as crews tackle various Council and state road projects. The Toowoomba Karara Road, stretching from Drayton to Felton, has been particularly bustling, with motorists experiencing delays of up to fifteen minutes or more at certain points

Local Council Electoral Review Outcome: Buloke’s “Extreme Disappointment”

The Buloke Shire Council has taken a stance by reaching out to The Hon. Melissa Horne, Minister for Local Government, to express their profound disappointment regarding the recent outcomes of the Local Council Electoral Structure Review.

Must Read