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Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Antique fair sites booked out – 3,500 visitors expected

Maldon Fair Gearing Up for a Cracker Weekend!

She’ll be apples, mate! The Maldon footy ground’s lookin’ green as a shrek’s hat, 125 stallholders are prepped and primed, the weather’s been ordered up sunny-side, and 3,500 eager beavers are ready for a warm Maldon welcome. That’s right, the mighty Maldon Antique Fair kicks off tomorrow (Saturday) and runs till Sunday arvo, and it’s set to be a ripper!

Mark Blythe, the bloke at the helm of this shindig, is pumped but chilled, reckons it’s “gonna double the town’s retail space for 48 hours!”. That means visitors can stayON, eatON, partyON, drinkON, shopON… you get the picture. “It’s a massive boost for the town, economically,” says Mark. “And the five bucks entry fee and all the food profits go straight to the Maldon Football Netball Club – helps keep those blokes and sheilas on the field!”

Back in 2009, the fair started as a Maldon Inc. event, but Mark knew he needed a hand. So, he “bounced the idea off” his mates and the local footy club. He offered them the gate takings, food stalls, and even the grog (the footy club had a license, handy!). After a quick chat, they were in! “That’s how it all started,” laughs Mark.

It hasn’t been all smooth sailing – they even had to battle a cyclone once! But the fair’s brought heaps of benefits: more visitors to Maldon, a boost for local businesses, and a reason for people to keep coming back. It also brings the community together and shows how important big events are for Maldon and the surrounds.

And for the locals? It’s a chance to get out and about, show their support, and celebrate all things Maldon! So, what are you waiting for? See you at the Fair!

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