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Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Anzac spirit lives on

At this year’s Anzac Day service in Corryong, attendees gained insight into the remarkable journey of one World War I veteran and his enduring impact on the local community upon his return. Michael Greenham shared details from his newly published book, ‘Devotion To Humanity’, chronicling the life of his great-uncle and war hero, Doctor/Captain David Peter Greenham. Born in Dartmoor in 1889, David Greenham grew up to become a revered figure in Corryong, where he dedicated almost three decades of his medical career between the two World Wars.

David’s legacy in Corryong was profound, marked by his exemplary work ethic, civic engagement, and compassionate nature, which earned him the admiration of the Upper Murray community. Michael Greenham recounted how he was inspired to delve deeper into his great-uncle’s story, having grown up hearing snippets about his wartime service and medical practice in Corryong.

David’s journey from a government scholarship recipient to a distinguished medical professional at Melbourne University and St Vincent’s Hospital showcased not only his academic prowess but also his prowess as a sportsman. He excelled in various sports, leaving a mark in football, athletics, and rowing, even representing Australia at the Stockholm Olympics in 1912.

Upon his relocation to Corryong in 1913, urged by local authorities who recognized his potential, David quickly embedded himself in the community fabric. Over the years, he provided invaluable medical services, demonstrated leadership on the sporting field, and actively participated in various civic endeavours, including the establishment of the Corryong Hospital and the Corryong RSL sub-branch.

David’s commitment to his community extended beyond his medical practice, as he played a pivotal role in constructing the Corryong cenotaph and fostering camaraderie within the RSL sub-branch. Despite witnessing the horrors of war, David continued to serve his community with unwavering dedication.

Tragically, David passed away in 1945, leaving behind a legacy of selflessness and dedication. Michael Greenham’s tribute to his great-uncle, shared during the Anzac Day service at the Corryong Baptist Church, serves as a poignant reminder of David’s enduring impact on the community.

The book ‘Devotion To Humanity’ was launched on Anzac Day afternoon at the Corryong Baptist Church, where David Greenham once resided and practised medicine. Copies of the book are available for purchase at the Corryong Newsagency, Man From Snowy River Museum, and Corryong Visitor Information Centre.

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