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Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Bakery closure

Sad Day for Naracoorte: Morris Bakery Closes After Alleged Theft

Naracoorte’s beloved Morris Bakery, a community staple for over three generations, has sadly shut its doors. The closure, effective February 5th, left many locals devastated and worried about the town’s future.

Alleged Theft Leads to Closure:

Liquidation documents reveal the bakery lost around $300,000 due to alleged employee embezzlement. Tarquin Koch was appointed by the court to handle the liquidation process.

Community in Shock:

Locals expressed their grief, calling the bakery a “massive part of Naracoorte” and fearing for the fate of the main street. Attempts to reach owner Bill Morris for comment were unsuccessful.

Investigation Underway:

The South Australian Police (SAPOL) are investigating the alleged theft.

Naracoorte’s Challenges:

This closure isn’t the first in the once-thriving town. Mayor Patrick Ross acknowledges the difficulties faced by businesses, especially generational ones. He cites factors like increased family size, rising production costs, and lack of family interest in taking over as reasons for closures.

Deer Culling Controversy:

While Morris Bakery’s closure dominates local news, another issue sparks heated debate. The recent aerial culling of wild deer by the Limestone Coast Landscape Board has drawn criticism from landowners and hunters who feel it’s unsafe, inhumane, and disrespectful to their property rights.

Community Meeting Demands Change:

A public meeting in Naracoorte resulted in several resolutions seeking safer, more respectful, and inclusive control methods. The board defends its program, claiming it has landowner permission, adheres to safety protocols, and is necessary to protect agriculture.

Political Divide:

The issue has become political, with the opposition party accusing the government of bullying landowners and failing to consult stakeholders. The government counters, saying the program is crucial for farmers and was approved by the previous administration.

Hope for the Future:

Naracoorte faces challenges, but the community spirit remains strong. While the Morris Bakery closure is a blow, residents are seeking solutions and holding authorities accountable for responsible deer management.


  • Morris Bakery’s closure is attributed to alleged theft, leaving the community shocked and worried.
  • Naracoorte faces broader challenges with business closures, but residents are hopeful for the future.
  • The deer culling program sparks controversy, raising concerns about safety, animal welfare, and landowner rights.
  • Both sides present arguments, with the community demanding a more inclusive and respectful approach.
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