13.5 C
Thursday, July 25, 2024

Claims cost NLC $18,000

Two Native Title Claims Cover Limestone Coast, Costing Ratepayers

Native Title claims across the entire South East region have already cost Naracoorte Lucindale Council nearly $19,000, with other councils in the Limestone Coast facing similar expenses.

Claims cover the entire region:

  • Two separate claims encompass the entire Limestone Coast region, including all seven council areas.
  • One claim covers the entire South East, while the other overlaps it with an additional northern section.

Financial impact:

  • Naracoorte Lucindale Council has spent $18,838.65 on legal fees related to the claims so far.
  • Similar amounts are being paid by other Limestone Coast councils through joint representation.

Uncertainties abound:

  • The potential impact of the claims on land tenure, including Crown land and council-owned land, is unknown at this stage.
  • While privately owned freehold land is likely unaffected, the implications for Crown land remain unclear.

Discovery phase underway:

  • The claims are currently in a “discovery” phase, where information on all Crown land under council care is being assessed to determine any potential native title rights.
  • This involves examining past use, development, and leases to see if native title has been extinguished.

Council actively involved:

  • Naracoorte Lucindale Council is officially a party to the claim, allowing them to stay informed and participate in matters affecting Crown land under their control.
  • Legal representation for all seven Limestone Coast councils is being handled collectively by Norman Waterhouse lawyers.

Key points:

  • Extensive Native Title claims across the Limestone Coast are raising concerns and costing councils money.
  • The potential impact on land ownership is still uncertain, particularly for Crown land.
  • Councils are actively involved in the process to protect their interests and those of the community.


  • This rewrite uses Australian English and focuses on the key points for residents and ratepayers.
  • It clarifies the extent of the claims, the financial implications, and the current stage of the process.
  • Technical legal details are simplified for better understanding.
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