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Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Covid jabs, are you up-to-date?

A Queensland Supreme Court bombshell dropped this week as dozens of police officers and health workers, including paramedics, emerged victorious in a massive legal battle over mandatory vaccination. The Supreme Court ruled that such mandates were unlawful.

In a 115-page verdict delivered by Justice Glenn Martin on Tuesday, Police Commissioner Katarina Carroll’s directive for compulsory COVID-19 vaccination, issued in December 2021, was deemed unlawful under the Human Rights Act. The court also prohibited her from taking any further steps to enforce the directive.

For nearly three years, Australian state premiers and chief medical officers have forced citizens to choose between receiving an experimental COVID-19 vaccine or providing for their families. A recent study involving 99 million people linked various medical conditions, such as neurological issues, blood disorders, and heart-related problems, to COVID-19 vaccines.

The data revealed potential connections with conditions including myocarditis, pericarditis, Guillain-Barré syndrome, cerebral venous sinus thrombosis, and acute disseminated encephalomyelitis. Reports of adverse reactions and deaths associated with COVID-19 vaccines have surpassed those of any other vaccine in history, both in the USA and Australia.

Comparing adverse events per million doses, traditional flu vaccines reported significantly fewer adverse events compared to COVID-19 vaccines. Furthermore, recent reports by leading medical professionals, such as Dr. Dean Patterson, highlight unprecedented harms caused by COVID-19 vaccines, raising serious concerns about patient safety.

Despite skipping the traditional decade-long development process, COVID-19 vaccines received emergency use authorization. However, the unblinding of Pfizer’s trial after authorization, which effectively removed the control group, raised questions about the reliability of the trial data.

The contracts for the supply of COVID-19 vaccines to Australians were kept under wraps, with little information publicly available about the terms. However, a South African court ruling compelled the government to disclose vaccine procurement contracts, revealing clauses acknowledging the uncertainty of the vaccines’ long-term effects.

With COVID-19 vaccines not halting transmission or infection and their long-term effects unknown, questions arise about whether Australians were provided with sufficient information to make informed medical decisions.

Recent legislative proposals, such as the COVID-19 Vaccination Status (Prevention of Discrimination) Bill 2022 and the Fair Work Amendment (Prohibiting COVID-19 Vaccine Discrimination) Bill 2023, highlight the legal complexities surrounding vaccination mandates in the workplace. Employers may face fines for non-compliance with such mandates, raising concerns about informed consent and liability.

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