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Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Tea time timelines

About a year back, Donna Murphy and Dave Rowe embarked on a new chapter when they purchased their residence at the intersection of Templeton and Adair Streets in Maldon. The charming abode, a fusion of a traditional shop and living quarters, boasts bay windows framing the front entrance. Donna and Dave have embraced a delightful tradition of adorning these windows with thematic displays to honor various occasions throughout the year.

Inspired by the previous owners, Jo Ann and Ray Moore, who initiated the window decorations, Donna enthusiastically took up the mantle after conversing with Jo about her creative endeavors.

In 2023, the couple crafted captivating displays commemorating Easter, Anzac Day, Melbourne Cup Day, Halloween/Goldfields Gothic Festival, and Christmas. For instance, during Easter, they left chocolate eggs at the doorstep, inviting passersby to indulge. Donna fondly recalls an incident where she felt compelled to offer a generous chocolate egg to a mother with children, only to learn that crows had raided the eggs she had hidden for an Easter egg hunt.

Dave has deep roots in Maldon, being connected to the Rewell family, renowned among the town’s longtime residents. The local publication, TT, aims to feature an interview with Dave’s father, Mal, in an upcoming edition.

Donna’s lineage is equally notable, with her father serving in the Navy and her grandfather being one of the brave soldiers who landed at Anzac Cove on April 25, 1915, sustaining injuries but surviving—a truly remarkable tale.

As Easter approaches this year, Donna and Dave are gearing up for another captivating window display, but their focus is primarily on their Anzac Day tribute. Donna is diligently crafting two-and-a-half thousand poppies, which will be assembled to form a cascading effect alongside photographs, military uniforms, and other memorabilia. She extends an invitation to those who may possess relevant artifacts or photos to reach out for a chat. Additionally, anyone proficient in crocheting, knitting, or crafting paper poppies is encouraged to lend their skills to the display.

Between these festive displays, the Bushells House window serves as a cozy haven for Boris and Natasha, a pair of Russian Blue cats aged seven and six, respectively. Named after characters from the classic Rocky and Bullwinkle show, Boris has endured various trials, including surviving a tiger snake bite, a broken leg, and ingestion of Harpic toilet cleaner—truly embodying the spirit of resilience. The duo delights in lounging by the window on sunny days, basking in the admiration of Maldon’s passersby.

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