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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Anzac Day 2024

Nhill Holds Well-Attended ANZAC Day Dawn Service

Over 300 people gathered at the Cenotaph in Nhill’s Goldsworthy Park for the ANZAC Day dawn service. The service commemorated those who served in the armed forces for Australia and New Zealand, particularly those who made the ultimate sacrifice.

John Dunbar, President of Nhill RSL, welcomed everyone and shared the ANZAC spirit story.

Remembering Gallipoli

The ceremony included a reflection on the Gallipoli campaign. While a military failure, the courage, ingenuity, resilience, and mateship displayed by ANZAC forces during the campaign have become defining aspects of the Australian character.

On April 25, 1915, Australian and New Zealand troops landed at Gallipoli to capture the peninsula. The plan was to force a passage through the Dardanelles straits to relieve pressure on Russia. However, strong Turkish resistance and challenging terrain thwarted the Allied advance.

Despite initial setbacks, the ANZACs held their ground for eight long months. Ultimately, with winter approaching and reinforcements arriving for the Turks, the decision was made to evacuate. The evacuation in December 1915 was a success, with minimal casualties.

Honouring the Past, Inspiring the Future

The dawn service paid tribute to these brave men and women, as well as all who served in conflicts to secure the peace and freedom we enjoy today. The ceremony concluded with the traditional elements – the Last Post, a minute’s silence, Reveille, hymns, and national anthems.

A Day of Remembrance and Community

A mid-morning service at the Nhill Memorial Community Centre continued the commemorations. Guest speaker Ryan Leffler, a former SAS soldier, spoke about his experiences and the ongoing significance of ANZAC Day for veterans. Local schools, service groups, and organizations participated in wreath-laying ceremonies and marches.

The Nhill RSL Sub-Branch expressed their gratitude to all those who contributed to the ANZAC Day commemorations.

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