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Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Probus recovery round-up

The vibrant pace of our community life and full calendars sometimes make it challenging to gather for additional events. Recognizing this, the Buloke Shire’s Community Recovery Team is dedicated to providing crucial information at already scheduled community gatherings as part of the Australian and Victorian Government’s Community Recovery Hubs program.

Last week, Jo Postlethwaite and Sam Wheelhouse from the Council’s Recovery Team engaged Probus members in a discussion about emergency awareness. Specifically, they inquired about their knowledge of essential items for emergencies and sources of reliable information. Emphasizing the importance of having multiple verified sources of information, such as the VicEmergency app, local television or Sky News, and the reliable ABC 584AM broadcast via a battery-powered radio when technology fails.

It was a timely reminder, especially with extreme weather predicted again this week, to always have access to several verified information sources. The team also advocated for preparedness, recommending the Red Cross RediPlan as an essential guide for emergency planning.

They introduced Flood-Eye, an innovative tool offering real-time flood risk insights accessible online for the public. They also discussed the importance of Buloke’s Municipal Emergency Management Plan, currently under review, which directs all pertinent agencies in their response to emergencies.

The conversation also covered the community’s concerns about road repairs and town beautification’s role in post-flood well-being. Probus members were advised that Council has responded to community feedback, prioritizing road infrastructure and seeking pre-approval for funding to efficiently address these issues.

Key highlights included priority given to grain harvest traffic after the flood event, completion of emergency repairs on critical public assets, and ongoing efforts to secure funding for rehabilitation works. Upcoming projects set to begin include gravel road resheeting initiatives and minor patching efforts across the shire.

The Recovery Team emphasized the critical need to prevent mosquito-borne diseases and highlighted proactive measures taken by the Council, including community awareness campaigns and engagement strategies.

Additionally, various initiatives aimed at maintaining community spirit and teaching resilience to children, such as “Buloke Busy Bees” coloring books, “Birdie’s” playgroup reading programs, and the recent Buy Buloke campaigns, were mentioned as significant contributions to community well-being.

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