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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Storm Rips Through Charlton

Crikey! Wild weather wreaks havoc in Charlton

Last Tuesday’s storm was a real ripper, tearing through Victoria and leaving a trail of destruction in its wake. Charlton and its neighbours weren’t spared, copping the full brunt of Mother Nature’s fury.

Check out these pics (courtesy of Facebook and some eagle-eyed locals) to see the damage. Fair dinkum, it’s a scene!

Main Street mayhem: Trees lost their limbs, fences got flattened, and one building even lost its roof. The temporary Post Office window (bless Russell King, he’s had a rough few months!) got smashed by a rogue tree branch. Talk about adding insult to injury!

Art Trail flattened: The Nyernila indigenous art trail behind the Charlton Club got wiped out, along with countless trees in Gordon Park and surrounds. Even the Rexalso got a flogging, losing fencing, veranda panels, and getting a surprise pool party in the Green Room.

Roofs ripped: Shops on High Street weren’t spared either. Joan Supple’s and Vanessa Doughty’s Zen Den lost some roofing, which decided to hitch a ride on Julie Roberts’ car. Meanwhile, an empty water tank from the Vale of Avoca took a joyride, damaging the Bowling Club signage and ending up at the Croquet Club fence. Talk about a detour!

Trees down, power poles bent: Heading towards Donald, you could see trees lying everywhere like fallen soldiers, along with a concrete power pole that looked like it did a backflip. Yikes!

Want more storm drama? Head over to The Charlton (VIC) Community Newsletter on Facebook for a full gallery of the damage.

With the Film Festival this weekend and the sold-out Ok Motel music and arts bash coming up, the pressure’s on to get things back on track in Charlton. No worries, though, these Aussies are made of tough stuff!

P.S. The Rex is showing a double feature this Sunday called “The Dry” and “Force of Nature”. Talk about spooky timing, eh?

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